My contribution to the meal was apple pie. That's as close as I could get to something American (we wanted it to be as international as possible). My miraculous finds are pictured above; the pie pan and shortening were the only things I thought might be hard to find, but with God on my side they were no problem.
I had a great time making the crust from scratch - it was my first time - and everything was going just swimmingly until the pie had been in the "oven" for about 30 minutes and we started smelling something burning. Yeah, guess what it was. I thought it was all over when we opened the "oven" and saw black crusty stuff all over and around the bottom, but turns out the juice just leaked out and started burning. The bottom of the crust did end up a bit dark in parts, ok by dark I mean black, but the rest was wonderful and everyone really seemed to like it. It was such a joy to be able to share something like this with my Korean and Japanese friends. I was worried that this Thanksgiving might be kind of miserable for me, being so far away from family and everything I've ever known, but I think the Lord really used this apple pie to minister to my spirit. When I'm
only on the receiving end its so hard not to be disappointed. Japan is not America and the people here aren't my family. I was afraid that these facts might keep me from enjoying the new experiences and giving thanks to the Lord this Thanksgiving. But I think because I was also on the giving end I experienced so much joy by sharing a part of myself with them that I was able to embrace the differences. Family, turkey, football, etc. are a big part of Thanksgiving, but even when all of that is stripped away, God is still good and for those who know Him as the Almighty God, Lord Jesus, Emmanuel, there is always reason to give thanks.
"He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God."
~Psalm 50:23~